Investigations and the Common Core State Standards
Investigations and the Common Core State Standards is designed to support teachers and schools that use Investigations in implementing The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS). These companion materials, available from Pearson in hard copy or as individual page downloads via Successnet, are designed for use in conjunction with the curriculum units (copyright 2008 or later) at each grade level, K-5.
Investigations and the Common Core State Standards includes everything needed to support teachers as they implement Investigations and the CCSS in their classrooms.* Each grade-level book contains:
- “Snap-in” instructional plans (pdf) for each curriculum unit, with a table for each Investigation that:
- Lists all of the current and new Sessions.
- Highlights where to adapt or omit existing content and/or add new content.
- Identifies the Math Practices and Content Standards addressed by each Session.
- All of the necessary teacher and student materials:*
- New activities and Sessions (pdf) that build on existing content, and on familiar contexts and representations within the grade level.
- New and adapted Classroom Routines/TMM.
- New Math/Teaching/Professional Development Notes.
- Student Activity Book pages (for class work, homework, and daily practice), included as Masters. They are also available as a CCSS-specific Student Activity Book.
- In addition to Masters of every new SAB page, Masters are included for new transparencies, resources, and assessments.
- Detailed correlations (pdf) between the CCSS and Investigations.
*The few new manipulatives are available, individually, from Pearson, as are CCSS Answer Keys. Print materials for students are available in Spanish.
For more information about distribution and cost, contact Pearson, the publisher of Investigations.