Homework is an important vehicle for communication between school and home. Through homework, teachers and families can share in activities that support students’ growing understanding of mathematics.
Investigations homework supports students in developing flexible and efficient ways to solve problems, and in practicing facts and discrete skills. Assignments involve word problems, activities, and games.
Investigations homework provides opportunities for students to:
- review and practice current and past work
- develop and solidify mathematical understandings
- extend classroom work
- prepare for upcoming math activities
Investigations homework sheets (Student Sheets) present fewer problems for students to solve than was the norm decades ago. In this format, students are encouraged to:
- work thoroughly, to find several solutions to any given problem and refine their strategies,
- develop mathematical representations such as pictures, diagrams, graphs and tables,
- explain their thinking as well as engage in math games that reinforce both concepts and skills.
In addition to the Student Sheets that children receive for homework, teachers may assign Practice Pages or create homework assignments based on Classroom Routines (K-grade 2)/Ten-Minute Math Activities (grades 3-5).
Remember that teachers must balance several content areas, so it is important to communicate with your child’s teacher and school regarding particular homework policies and ways that you can support your child with homework assignments.

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