Computational Fluency K-5

This 2-day workshop deepens participants’ understanding of the development of computational fluency across the elementary grades. Sessions focus on each of the four operations and on the development of efficient, accurate and flexible strategies. This workshop is appropriate for users and non-users of the Investigations curriculum.
In this workshop, participants:
- examine each of the four operations, their properties and the relationships among them
- consider how knowledge of place value and the base 10 number system is foundational to the development of accurate, efficient and flexible computation strategies
- explore the properties of operations and consider ways in which these properties support the development of computational fluency
- consider how generalizations about operations support and deepen a student’s understanding of each operation
- analyze student thinking and solutions via videos and student work samples
No Workshop is currently scheduled.
Tuition: $250 per participant
Who Should Attend Teachers, coaches, and others who are interested in deepening their understanding of the development of computational fluency.
Contact Hours Participants receive a certificate for 13 contact hours or PDPs (MA only) upon completion of the workshop.
Graduate Credit Graduate credits are not available.
Have Questions? Check our FAQ or contact us to learn more, or for information on hosting a workshop.
Telephone: 617.873.9785
Twitter: @Inv3_Math

“I loved the balance of ‘doing the math’ with listening. I also thought the instructors worked together wonderfully and interjected plenty of humor.“